Gwen Myers

Gwen Myers of Eden Presley

"For me success equates to freedom - the freedom of my time."

1: What is your greatest fear, and how do you manage it?

I don't know if fearful is the right word, but I worry quite a bit. I'm an anxious person. So to combat the anxiety I’m constantly pulling myself back into the moment - the here, the now.

...if you’re present then you aren’t worrying about things outside of this moment.

I actually make a lot of pieces that say ‘be here now’ because they act as reminders for me to be where I am and to be present, because if you’re present then you aren’t worrying about things outside of this moment.

2: How do you define success?

For me success equates to freedom - the freedom of my time. The ability to set my own boundaries and to move at a pace that aligns with my life because the ‘right time’ isn’t something that can be forced. I think the story of how I began selling my jewelry may sum up my point. I was wearing some pieces that I had made and I walked into this store in Bal Harbour shops in Miami. I had all my kids with me, in fact, I think my son even broke a plant in the store. But the woman who owned the store said she loved my jewelry and that she wanted to sell it, but that I needed line sheets first. I let a whole year go by before putting together line sheets, but when I finally did, the woman put a few pieces of mine in her store. Things just really took off from there.

Today, I feel excited about the direction my business is headed and comfortable with the pace it’s progressing. It doesn’t ever feel like too much for me. I love the people I work with, and I love the stores I work with. For me, this is success.

3: Who are your real-life heroes?

I have a lot of great women in my life - just really amazing role models. My mother, who raised me alone. Gloria Steinem is incredible, I love what she stands for. But my daughters are my real heroes. I feel like being a young woman today is tough, and they’re facing such a crazy world with so much dignity, grace, and strength. I just admire them both so much.

4: What is the best gift you've given yourself?

The best gift I've given myself wouldn't be a physical thing, it would be giving myself grace. Time to just breathe and chill out. The gift of reminding myself that it will all be there tomorrow so it’s ok to step away from it right now. What’s ironic is that it took me a long time to accept this gift, and I still struggle with it at times.

The best gift I've given myself wouldn't be a physical thing, it would be giving myself grace.

But one thing that’s really helped me is to reframe my thinking from everything in my life is something ‘I have to do’ to everything in my life is something ‘I get to do’. I actually make these necklaces with words on them and the one I’m wearing now reads “don't let the things you want make you forget about the things you have.” This gift of grace has allowed me to feel gratitude for all the things in my life that I get to do. 

5: What was the last win you celebrated?

 Honestly, all of the steps that got me to where I am today feel like wins. It's all about the small steps, right? I mean, yeah, there were the big moments, like doing Couture or my first big trade show in Vegas. But for me I think I get the most joy out of the small stuff, or the unexpected things. For example, I ran into a woman in public, who recognized me, and shared that she never takes the piece of jewelry off that she has of mine. This was new for me because I rarely interface with the end customer of my jewelry. And honestly, it was the best compliment anyone could have ever given me. That moment felt like a real win.

About Eden Presley Jewelry:

With whimsical elements, beautiful use of color, and ultra-fine gemstones, Eden Presley jewelry is equal parts elevated and playful. Designer Gwen Myers’ innate elegance, creative outlook, and daring spirit are captured in the brand’s unique yet wearable pieces. The collection fuses classic and traditional motifs with modern and unusual elements while pushing the boundaries of fine jewelry by combining precious and semi-precious materials.

AP Favorites: Swedish Fish Pendants, 22" Closure Necklace, Celestial Haram Pink Ring